Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dentist in Flower Mound TX, Dr. William Wyatt Talks About The Mouth Body Connection

Dentist in Flower Mound TX, Dr. William Wyatt warns of the dangers of Gum Disease and talks about the Mouth Body Connection.  Periodontal (gum) disease affects approximately 85% of adults today with only a few noticeable signs or symptoms whereby most people do not even realize that they have it.  It may lead not only to tooth loss, but to other diseases and problems, such as:
  • Heart disease:  periodontal disease predisposes you to becoming twice as likely to suffer from heart attacks, coronary artery disease and stroke.
  • Low birth weight/pre-term babies.
  • Poses a serious threat to people whose health is compromised by diabetes, respiratory diseases or osteoporosis.
  • Infecting others and your family members through saliva.
Don’t Ignore Your Oral Health If you value your oral as well as your overall health, and you have any of the following symptoms, call our Flower Mound TX dental office today to schedule your complimentary consultation:
  • Pain in your mouth
  • Gums that bleed when you brush your teeth or when you eat hard food
  • Spaces developing between your teeth
  • Gums that feel swollen or tender
  • Gums that are receding (pulling back from your teeth) or your teeth appear longer than before
  • If you have persistent bad breath
  • If you have noticed a change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • If you develop sores in your mouth that do not get better within two weeks
  • If you have noticed pus between your teeth and gums
If you have any of the symptoms described above, you may have periodontal disease.

So if you have heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, or are thinking of becoming pregnant; or if you have a family member that has gum disease, get evaluated today.  Treatment of gum disease in its earliest stages has an excellent success rate, so the earlier you seek treatment, the better the chance for success.  We utilize many comfortable and easy treatments for gum disease.  These state-of-the-art procedures include lasers and ultrasonics,oral antibiotics, and special anti-microbial rinses.  With treatment success being so easy to achieve, you should not hesitate to seek an  evaluation and/or treatment immediately! Dr. Wyatt is your Flower Mound Texas Dentist!

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